Wednesday 25 March 2020


Welcome to the Trent Class blog! This is one way in which we can all keep in touch. It doesn't always have to be about school work - you may like to simply share what you have been doing with your family. I will however, be sharing work based activities with you at some point. In the meantime you have you home-learning packs and your CGP books to work through; remember to do these at a learning pace: there's no rush! 

For now, I would just like to see who is out there reading this. So, if you can, either leave a comment saying Hi or telling us your news. Or, if you would rather not comment, just email me to show me you are reading the blog, as this will give us a good idea of how many people are accessing it.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

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  3. Hi, I love how all of Trent Class can access this site, and communicate with each other! Elizabeth

  4. I agree Elizabeth and it should be fun!

  5. I agree to. How is everyone doing?

  6. its cool how you can communicate with classmates here

  7. Hi, Mrs Whisker. I miss you, my friends and everyone in my school. If you and Mrs Gay are reading this let me now or put in the comments bellow, please. I am studying and i am having fun here at home I miss you guys. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Raphael.
