Thursday 23 April 2020

Nature observation

Chloe has observed a pair of blackbirds nesting in her garage. What a great opportunity to spend time watching the developments unfold. 
What does a blackbird make its nest out of?
What is the incubation period for a blackbird's egg?
What is the colour and markings of a blackbird's egg?
When are the chicks likely to hatch?
How many chicks do you predict will hatch?
How many chicks will survive?
What are the main predators?
Will the nesting pair have more than one brood?
Which parent will incubate the eggs most?
Which parent will feed the chicks the most?
How can we differentiate between a male and female blackbird?
What does a blackbird feed on?
What other facts can you find out about a blackbird?
Who can draw a labelled life cycle of a blackbird or create a labelled observational drawing?
Hopefully we will be looking at the chicks being fed shortly!

What event is happening in your garden that you could turn into a project? Think about insects, earthworms, snails, woodlice and other invertebrates. Get a magnifying glass out and get curious! 

Thanks for the inspiration Chloe!

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