Monday 20 April 2020

Summer Term Week 1

Weekly Maths Tasks (plus TT Rockstars and Hit the Button for maths facts)

Please click on the link below to access this week's daily maths activities. This week is revision and consolidation of ratio, ratio and proportion and scaling.

(Please ensure you click on the Week 1 activity and NOT the Summer Term Week 1)

Weekly English Tasks (plus daily reading) (can be done in any order) 

Writing tasks  (Scroll through the pictures from the week to choose the one you would like to use. Try to include passive voice in your writing - see the link below.)

Active voice - (Scroll down until you find active voice. Watch the video to revise active and passive voice. Can you complete the task then use this linguistic feature in your writing?) 

Reading comprehension: choose the activity most suitable for you
Higher Reading Comprehension
Middle Reading Comprehension
Lower Reading Comprehension

Spellings: Homophones
Using the homophone list in your home learning pack that you will have worked on, ask your parent/carer/older sibling to dictate sentences to check your understanding of spelling these words.
For example, the sentences for the homophone pair 'brake/break' could be:
The driver had to brake hard when the fox ran across the road.
After driving for several hours, the driver needed a break.
Remember that all the words in each sentence should be spelled correctly and punctuation should be accurate. 

Weekly Wider Curriculum Tasks

Listen to, and read, the information, then complete the two activities:
What was ‘Danelaw’
What happened at Lindisfarne

Science - What plants can you find in your garden or on your daily exercise?  List the common names of the plants you can see and research the Latin names for each of them. Can you remember the binomial system devised by Carolus Linnaeus? 
Here is a reminder:
Binomial naming system explained

Art - Choose one of the plants you have found and become a botanical artist by drawing it carefully. You could include exploded diagrams of specific parts - use a magnifying glass to help with this. 

RE - Following our inspirational visit from  Mr Singh earlier in the academic year, we would like the children to learn more about Sikhism
Sikhism for children  Sikhism

Picture News 
Story: According to Google Maps, travel has decreased by around 85% around the UK.
Question:  Do we think people will travel less in the future? 
Virtual assembly

🌟Mrs Burton's Ongoing Project - Who is your hero?🌟

When I was in primary school I did a project all about my hero. It took me weeks! I learned lots of facts, made a booklet, drew and cut out pictures, and I can still remember facts about Gary Winston Lineker now! So it's your turn, choose someone who you admire, learn all about them, then show what you know in whatever way you want e.g scrapbook, PowerPoint, poster. This should be a project you work on over the next few weeks rather than complete in 1 session

Anything you would like to share with your class, please email to me for posting:


  1. Hi,
    The work that you have set us looks great fun!

  2. So glad you have enjoyed doing it Chloe!
