Monday 11 May 2020

Summer term week 4

Weekly Maths Tasks 

Please click on the link below to access this week's daily maths activities. This week is work on angles in special quadrilaterals, angles in regular polygons and problem solving
(Please ensure you click on the Summer Term Week 2 (w/c 27 April) activity)

Maths facts: Remember to practise your times tables on TT Rockstars - I would love to post more names for this on the blog this week! Also work on other maths facts such as number bonds on Hit the Button.
TT Rockstars 
Hit the Button

Weekly English Tasks (plus daily reading)  

Writing Task  This link will take you to the next complete unit of work which is to be completed over two weeks. Remember, it is comprehensive and will take you through various tasks which build up to a final poem - very similar to the process we use in class. Please take your time to check over that each activity is done to the best of your ability before moving on to the next one, as you now know that each one impacts on the next. There is absolutely no rush as you have TWO WEEKS to produce a quality piece of work. Remember to check vocabulary, grammar, spelling and punctuation at each step. Good luck!

Spellings: Unstressed vowels - revision
Remember that we looked at how some vowels in words are difficult to make out because they are spoken quickly or quietly - these are called 'unstressed vowels'. These make spelling tricky because we don't hear them as they are not sounded clearly.
For example, in the word 'parliament' the underlined 'a' is not sounded so we often forget to include it when spelling the word.

Sometimes we change the sound of a vowel slightly and it becomes unstressed, therefore we misspell it.
For example, in the words 'telephone' and 'skeleton' the underlined 'e' is sounded /ɪ/ so we might use a different letter to represent that sound, possibly an 'i'.

Activity: read through your statutory word list and try to identify the words with unstressed vowels in. Write them out and think about how you could remember to spell them correctly.
Make a list of suggestions, such as:
     - emphasising the unstressed vowel (parli - aaah! - ment) (tel - eee! - phone)
     - finding words within words (let in skeleton)
     - making up a mnemonic
I am sure you can think of more!
Try to find other words that are not on the list as I have above (telephone and skeleton) - there are hundreds!

Weekly Wider Curriculum Tasks

Listen to, and read, the information, then complete these three activities:
1. Using map, atlas or globe (physical or virtual), find the countries where the Vikings traded and list them
2. Compile a record of the items they traded – can you draw some?
3  Why did the Vikings place their Shields around the gunwale (the edge of the ship)? (aim for three reasons)

Science -
To complete our understanding of the circulatory system, we are going to look a little more at the role blood and the different blood vessels. Watch the short clips in the link and complete the 'Fill in the gaps' quizzes. 
The Circulatory System
Blood Vessels
After watching the clips, write an explanation about blood which includes: what it is made up of, what its role is and how it travels around the body. Remember to include scientific language. Also draw a diagram that show the difference between the three blood vessels (you may want to do some of your own research for this). Remember that all scientific drawings should be clearly labelled, again using scientific terminology.

Computing -
This is week 2 of the Purple Mash  FREE TWO WEEK TRIAL. Please continue to to work on 2Code. Don't worry if you haven't signed up yet - you can do it this week and next!
A reminder that it is suggested you work on 2Code, starting at Chimp level, before moving on to Gibbon etc. Working through the program systematically will mean you acquire skills which you will build on as you progress. See how far you can get by committing to a daily session of fun filled creative learning! Send in screen shots or photos - I look forward to posting them here!

Wellbeing - This is a lesson from Bitesize which helps children to learn about the importance of self belief and managing your emotions.

Picture News - 
Story: A new set of satellites will provide all corners of the world with internet access!
Question:  Who does outer space belong to?

🌟Mrs Burton's Ongoing Project - Who is your hero?🌟
When I was in primary school I did a project all about my hero. It took me weeks! I learned lots of facts, made a booklet, drew and cut out pictures, and I can still remember facts about Gary Winston Lineker now! So it's your turn, choose someone who you admire, learn all about them, then show what you know in whatever way you want e.g scrapbook, PowerPoint, poster. This should be a project you work on over the next few weeks rather than complete in 1 session.

Thank you to those of you who are emailing some of your work to me. If you haven't sent anything in yet, I would love to see what you are doing. Please email photos to:

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