Sunday 21 June 2020

Summer Term Week 9

Weekly Maths Tasks 

Please click on the link below to access this week's daily maths activities. This week is revision of find a rule, algebra: expressions, substitution and percentages:  

Weekly English Tasks (plus daily reading)  

Writing Task This is week two of your 'Monsterology' writing project. Now you have your toolkit and sentence ideas, you can begin to write your information text. Take care with your planning and remember to talk it through with someone in your house. Drawing your monster and a map of where it lives will help you to bring it to life. Don't forget to keep proof reading as you go along and improving vocabulary, sentence structure, openers, punctuation etc to make sure you engage your reader. Good luck!

Reading comprehension:  Father's Day - choose the activity most suitable to you. 
(★ Easier ★★ Middle  ★★★ More challenging)
Spellings - using prefixes
Adding a prefix to a root word changes the meaning of the word. The rule for adding a prefix is: just add it! Don't change or miss out any letters. This means that sometimes adding a prefix causes a double letter:
dis + satisfy = dissatisfy

Activity: Using the list of prefixes below, add them to root words to create new ones. Think about how each prefix changes the meaning of the words. How many words can you find for each prefix? Is one prefix more popular than the others? Does adding any of the prefixes double up a letter? Underline these words to remind you to double up!

Weekly Wider Curriculum Tasks

Geography -
Continuing our geography topic - Imaginary lines
What other imaginary lines there be in our world... jot down your ideas.

Time Zones
Watch the video, read the information then complete the quiz.
Show your understanding by calculating the time in various countries compared to times in your day. For example, what time would you be getting up in Sydney, Australia, if you woke up at 7am here? If it was 1.30 pm in the UK, what time would it be in New York? Draw up a table to show the time differences.

Science -

What can you remember about Evolution? We are continuing to revise what we learned in the first term. Once again, focus on the scientific terms and how they are spelled. Have a go at the challenge to test your knowledge. Create your own glossary explaining the scientific terms from this week and last week. 

DT - Four week project
Continuing your DT project: now you have built your design, it is time for evaluating! You all did a wonderful job of this very important part of DT when finalising your Yurt work. Look carefully at your product and think about points that were successful, things that don't really work, things that could be improved. Look at the sheet example to help you. Be critical with an aim to improve.

If you did not have the tools or materials to actually build your project, think about how you could improve it. This may mean using a different material or more secure fixing or perhaps something more aesthetic like a change of colour or texture.
Some people are not yet ready to evaluate - this is fine as it shows you are working through the project carefully. With this in mind, this evaluation will be repeated next week. Please don't rush - I have been receiving pictures of some very promising work!

RE - Christianity
Keep working on your ongoing project of Christianity in you local area. If you live close to the churches in Carlton village, you could visit each one and compare their features. Think about or research why and how they are different.

Otherwise, research the Ten Commandments and write them out for display on this blog.

French - 
Bonjour Trent Class! This week please research Bastille Day. 

One of the most important dates in France is the 14th July. In French, this date is le quatorze juillet or la Fête Nationale Française. In English, it is called Bastille Day. Why is it called Bastille Day? Well, a long time ago, there was a prison in Paris called Bastille Saint-Antoine.

Then using your skills produce a PowerPoint, leaflet or poster to entice others to learn about it.
Here are two quiz worksheets attached for you to have a go!

Miss you all!
Mrs Mackintosh

Picture News - 

Story: Following a three-month closure period, Chester Zoo and many other zoos have been allowed to reopen.

Question: Should zoos have been allowed to reopen earlier?


Thank you to those of you who are emailing some of your work and activities to me. If you haven't sent anything in yet, I would love to see what you are doing. Please email photos to:


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